Mandy, from England, sent in this great way to play noughts and crosses/tic tac toe. Let’s take a look at it…

What did you do?

Simple turn taking and problem solving activity.
Set up your Lego pieces as a noughts and crosses grid.
Have the children select a Lego colour each.
Take it in turns to place the Lego piece.
The aim is to get 3 of their colour in a row, column or diagonally.
Each player can try to ‘block’ the other by putting their piece in the way, on their turn.

Did you know that large Duplo Lego bricks fit into the small Lego grids?! We have a multiuse table that can be used with bigger Lego for my 2 year old and the smaller Lego for my 4 year old.

Tell the Housebound With Kids community a bit about yourself…

I’m Mandy. I’m a Mummy of two. My girl is 4 and my boy is 2. We all have our birthdays in August. I have been teaching for 9 years and I’m most recently in EYFS. We live in the North West of England.

How are you finding being housebound so far?

Personally, I love it! I know how quickly time goes and I almost feel like I’ve gained some additional ‘maternity leave’ with my two. There are hard day’s, but tomorrow is always a new day.

Do you have any tips for other parents?

Go with the kids! Don’t try to structure everything to the tenth degree… If you go with their interests and thoughts on a particular day, they will be so much more on board.

Has this website and community helped you?


I’ve recently discovered it and think it is a brilliant idea! I love to see mothers supporting others. We’re all in this together