Charlene, from Thornton, sent in this great idea. Let’s take a look at it…
What did you do?
My little boy Jake starts reception in September, I didnt want him to miss out on his graduation so I bought the cap off amazon, used a Cape from halloween and rolled up paper and tied it with string.
I’ve just finished decorating his room so used that as a background.
Only cost £5.95 for the hat
Do you have any other projects planned?
More decorating of the house, I have done a space galaxy in Jake’s room that looks normal in the day and glow in the dark/ uv at night
Tell the Housebound With Kids community a bit about yourself…
My names charlene I live in Thornton, I have 2 children Sienna 6 and Jake 4.
How are you finding being housebound so far?
The weathers really helped fortunately. It’s been a little more difficult with Sienna as she has autism and doesnt have a clue what’s happening and point blank refuses to sit and do homework.
Do you have any tips for other parents?
Dont let them get stressed out with school work. Theres always round it.
If they want something get them to spell it first, make it into a game,